RE: 2024 HOA Dues - June 1

On June 1st we will be adding $50 to all unpaid dues. Those of you that have paid thank you . All Dues that are over 1 year old will get an additional $50 plus a lien placed on the property in June. We sent out certified mail to those past due and some were accepted and some did not sign to get the mail. It was info on the foreclosure procedure and the rights of HOAs to proceed under the WV Law. Along with the lien that is already place and an invoice of outstand dues. We have tried everything in our power to help and collect these dues and that was our last attempt before turning this over to proper people where all expenses go to collect are added to the homeowners per the by laws..

If you have questions please contact me either by email or PM me on Facebook,

Thank you,

FPHOA President - Kevin Cheshire

Update Regarding Collection Process - 3.20.24

Attention Homeowners:

URGENT! It is to the benefit of the entire HOA to read the following. Effective April 22, 2024, in keeping with WV Code 36B-3-115-116, we will be moving forward with foreclosure procedures on properties within the subdivision that are delinquent in their annual dues. Your Board has voted to begin with the highest unpaid properties first. Please read the following attachments carefully and contact us with any questions you may have regarding this process.

3-11-24 Understanding West Virginia Code And Hoa Foreclosures

3-11-24 36B-3-115 lean doc

3-11-24 36B-3-116 lien doc

Concrete Work Starting This Week 7.21.23

Shamblin Stone will be starting road repair efforts this Friday and the areas they will be focusing on have been marked with orange spray paint throughout the subdivision.

If you see any orange markings in front of your driveway, we ask that you please utilize the on-street parking and allow for enough room for the equipment trucks to do their job. They did not specify which areas they will be starting on but if you see them out, please feel free to politely ask them for an estimate regarding the amount of time the repairs will be ongoing around your area so you can plan accordingly.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and cooperation as the roadwork is being completed and we ask that you do not disturb any street cones when they are deployed.

Thanks, FPHOA Road Committee

Forest Park Association Yard Sale, Saturday, May 6th, 8am-2pm

Notice will be placed in WV Gazette-Mail several days this week, plus Bridge Church FB page and Town of Poca FB page. Looks like the weather is going to be great.

If you have any unsold items that you would like to donate, The Bridge Church maintains a community pantry for those in need in our area. Items they can use are furniture, kitchen items, linens, clothing, etc. (No flowers, trinkets, or knick-knacks.) Someone should be available until early afternoon on Saturday at the church to accept your donations. Or, you can call them to coordinate a time that is convenient for you. (304) 373-6068

A couple of announcements from the FPHA President in regards to upcoming events.

Reminders to all those that haven’t paid their dues for 2023. Remember there will be $50 added for the dues and balances not at zero on or before June 1st 2023 Those that owe more than 1 year will have liens placed at a $50 filing fee and will be taken to the magistrate for a court hearing and judgements. Any and all legal fees will be added to the homeowners’ dues according to our By Laws. PLEASE contact me if you have any question either by phone or PM, again I will not talk about personal finances of FB.


 The Bridge Church out Dairy Rd. will be joining the subdivision yard sale. Pastor Mike has given us permission to take our on-street parking to his lot at the church. This will make it easier for people to go house to house without jamming traffic in the subdivision and make it more accessible for people to stop by your house. Try to park over where you will be facing the pond and if you are not sure please ask someone. Be very courteous because they are doing us a huge favor and we encourage those participating in the yard sale to take advantage of this offer.

Thanks, FPHA President: Kevin Cheshire

Facebook Topics You May HaveMissed

Below are some communications made from the Forest Park HOA Poca WV Facebook group you may have missed. If you are a current homeowner and not part of the private FB group, we encourage you to join.

3.16.2023 - Subdivision Yard sale

**All Homeowners **

We are still trying to see who would be interested in participating in the subdivision wide yard sale, and what would be a good date for this to happen. The board will get busy and help spread the word for a great turnout.

3.16.2023 - HOA Dues/Invoices continued

** All Homeowners **

If you DID NOT receive you invoice and go passed the due date. Please do not blame the board because you didn't get to take advantage of the discount. We can not change what is voted on at the meeting. We have stressed CONTACT US with a PM.

3.15.2023 - HOA Dues/Invoices


I believe by now everyone should have received by email or regular mail an invoice or a statement for the dues. Those of you that owe dues from last year or more, I will be filing liens and going to the magistrate for judgements according to the collection procedure by the end of the month. Please contact me as soon as you can to avoid any more money added to your dues for legal fees. Please PM me, i will not discuss anyone’s financials on this web site.

** Attn Homeowners ** Just a small summary of the meeting held 2/12/23

The board remains the same as follows:

Justin Crary , VP

Becky Callihan, Secretary

Jessica Shaffer, Treasury

Zoe Mullens, IT Support
Dave Crum and Ed Thompson, our road crew dealing

The HOA Dues were set at $400.00 but you can take advantage of a $50 discount and pay $350.00 if you pay before June 1 2023. This discount is given to all those who have a zero-dollar balance on the books at the time of the meeting. It is time for all those who owe dues to pay their share and fulfil the obligations instead of punishing those that do pay with higher dues so we can get our construction done and keep our subdivision in good shape.

Also the minutes will be attached along with the addendums to the collection procedure. PLEASE READ the collection procedure. It is blunt and to the point. We cannot continue with people not paying and we will follow the guidelines. Those of you that owe last years or more will be sent a statement and will have 15 days to contact me or the procedure will be followed. Invoices have started to be sent out they are in email, or regular mail. Please check your email and your spam mail. If you do not see your invoice by the end of the month or the first week of next month, please contact me as soon as you can so we can check your info.

Thank you

Kevin Cheshire FPHA President

Click HERE to view the FPHOA 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Click HERE to view the FPHOA Collection Process_2023

FPHOA 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: Feb 12th

Meeting Time: 2PM

Meeting Location: The Bridge Church - Fellowship Hall

2PM: Meeting Start

I. Welcome to the meeting and overview of the meeting - Kevin Cheshire FPHA President

II. Review of the minutes for 2022, Becky Callihan FPHA Secretary

III. Treasurer Report, Jessica Shaffer

IV. Old Business,

a) Review road work by Dave Crum and Ed Thompson

b) Review Collection procedure By Kevin Cheshire and Justin Crary

c) Review WV American Water issues Kevin Cheshire


a) Select board for 2023

b) Set Dues for FY2023 (Discussions)

c) Outline needs for FY2023 (Discussions)

d) Open forum for any discussions